Thursday, December 6, 2012

This for you.....just you......

Some poem speak for themselves. This happens to be one of those poems.  As Drake say "You know a lot of girls be...thinking my songs about them, but

This is not to get confused, this ones for you..."  Ok with that is for you. Thanks for reading. Plead leave your feedback and comments. Thanks ~Taye

"The Unveiling"

You have succeeded 
Where others have failed
So my inhibitions
I'm willing to lay down
My vail
This box that was once preserved 
Is now reserved....
Just for you
Please be gentle 
As you begin to unravel
My box.....
I'll leave a little bit open..
For you to peak in and view
Just want you to see
What you about to get into
Just know once you dig in
It's gonna get intense 
So in a sense.....ima drive you crazy
But don't be alarmed 
We about to have a moment of bliss
I know the way to a man heart is through his stomach
So have a taste of this
If you up for it.....come 
Lets seal it with a kiss...

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